Thursday, November 18, 2010

Day 18 of 25 Days of Thanks

People who go the extra mile deserve an award. This world is full of mediocre, average, predictable men and women who help us determine what the 50% line should be in the scheme of things. But....every once in a while some shining star pops out and really makes you believe in the human race again.

I've seen these kind of people in action this week and it is such an encouragement to watch. They minister in an all of nothing sort of way...they look for things to do instead of waiting to be asked....they go above and beyond (not in a showy sort of way)....they sacrifice....they go out of their way to make others more comfortable, happy or satisfied. You know when you've encountered one of these precious people because you walk away wanting to be a better individual....I know I do.

Thank God for people who go the extra mile.

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