Monday, January 3, 2011


I hear the word control used a lot these days:

Control your own destiny.
Give Control to God.
Appetite Control.
Lose Control.
Control Freak
Temperature Control
Out of Control
In Control
Control Top
Beauty Control

....and the list could go on.

I've been thinking quite a bit about who is really in control of my life. Seems that some areas in my life I do OK in letting God have His least that's what I thought. But lately I've been thinking about those area that I don't relinquish to Him so easily and I a reminded that His Word says....I can't serve two masters. I can't serve my flesh and Him. I can't love the world and love Him. I can't. So when I find myself compelled to serve myself...whether with my time, food, even my family before or instead of serving HIM then who is really in control.

I realize that serving others can be a mechanism that we can also serve God, but I don't believe that every time I have ever done something for someone else that I was serving God. Good people abound in our bad world. Very famous people in media do good things but haven't a clue about letting God control their life. I don't want to be like that. I want to ask God how I can serve Him. Yes....that includes serving my family, at my job, at church and other HE directs...not as I direct my steps. I want HIM to call all the shots and I wonder how different my life will look if I do!!!

It's something I'm working on (or should I say...HE is working on in me) this year...and the year after that....and the year after that...(you get the picture).


Kathy said...

Can I "amen" this post about 1000 times?!? Great starting place for this next year's race, and actually the course of life itself.

Traci Michele said...

Giving over complete control... amen! SO hard... so worth it.

Stopping by to follow you...
<3 Traci @ Ordinary Inspirations

Iron Girl!! said...

I agree wholeheartedly with Kathy, so I'll just say it - "AMEN!"