Thursday, October 3, 2013

Day #3 Beautiful Simplicity


 noun \sim-ˈpli-sə-tē, -ˈplis-tē\
: the quality of being easy to understand or use
: the state or quality of being plain or not fancy or complicated
: something that is simple or ordinary but enjoyable

There's something about the beauty of simplicity. The understated loveliness of something that just is. In a world full of itself...of obtaining and accomplishing and striving, it is a refreshing change of pace to enjoy the simple things. There is value to the rare, one of a kind, singular or unique possession. Whether it's a piece of jewelry, a flower, a well worn antique, a favorite scarf, a Bible verse or a schedule that isn't packed to the brim with engagements. Simple is sacred. My soul craves for the yesteryear's of "just enough, primitive, and bare essentials" while living in a world of non-stop, me-first, not enough. Simplicity makes way for the important, the irreplaceables. Family, friends, love, time, Jesus..and everything about Him. 

So as I make my own way in this hectic fast paced world, I have the responsibility to make room for the things that really matter. The scheduling is up to me, the stuff is up to me, the way we live....largely up to choices Bruce and I make. It's nice to enjoy the modern conveniences and luxuries that 2013 afford us, but as the values and morals of God's Word seem to be slipping away, those simple things that He lovingly instructed us to observe; kindness, sabbath rest, love, compassion, a word to the lost...those are the things I need more now that ever. I need to remember....

Simple is beautiful.

Possessions aren't bad. Schedules aren't bad. Stuff isn't bad. Unless we let it run our lives so that moments of simplicity are no where to be found. Simplicity calls for a lifestyle devoted to the most importants. The things that really matter getting the attention they deserve and then all the static voice in the background, well, it finds a place...but not THE place. Not The place reserved for the sacred and the beautiful and the simple.

Seem unrealistic? We're not talking about throwing your microwave out the window or going back to making everything from scratch..(unless you're in a foreign land and that's what your norm is). We're talking about an attitude and an effort made so that stuff and schedules and cash don't take the place of God's Word and your kids and your spouse..the big stuff. It's about breathing in the simple beauty around you...Taking time to smell the proverbial roses...and maybe the real live ones too!

What's that look like, you ask. It's different for everyone. It might look like soccer games and ice cream sundaes for one family and naptime and movies for another. It's only your job to figure out what works for your family. He's got a plan for graced with simplicity and beauty.

Matthew 6:33- Seek first God's kingdom and His righteousness...and all the other things will be added to you.

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