I'm learning though, that to enjoy the quiet in my home, it takes effort.
- Effort to plan ahead so there aren't distractions.
- Effort to get up early or stay up late when the eyeballs are wishing otherwise.
- Effort to settle myself, to relax, to not feel guilty.
- Effort to be prepared with Bible, books, journal, computer.
It's almost as much work to prepare for quietness as it is to get quietness. And sometimes, if I'm honest, it's too much work and in my laziness I miss the beauty of the quietness.
Because it's in the quietness that I hear things otherwise unheard. Sweet truths of Jesus fly off the pages of His Word when I sit quietly before Him. I recall things in the quiet that I would otherwise not take the time to savor....memories, answered prayer, intercessory request. In the quiet I also realize my own worth and my own sin. I have the time to confess and praise and thank.
Being still before the Lord isn't some silly mantra that we obligate ourselves to as Christians. It's a privilege....we are being still so we can KNOW the Lord God. (Ps. 46:10) Depending on your season of life, you may or may not have plenty of time to do this at anytime during the day....for me, it requires effort. A real, purposeful, decision to get up or stay up so that I can spend quiet time getting to know the Lord.
Here are a few things I do....
- Get comfortable
- Sit quietly for a few minutes, settling my mind down
- Consider things to be thankful for, write them down if desired- Pray
- Read God's Word
- Confess sins that are brought to mind- Pray
- Think about the gift of salvation and praise God for giving me salvation - Pray
- Think about others and their needs and requests - Journal these
- Meditate on 2-3 scriptures that have something to do with something I'm struggling with
- Listen for anything that God may be saying to be through His Word.
There's no set rules for spending time with God. No time limit. No list of things you must do in order. Find what works for you. I can honestly tell you, when I start my day sitting in the beautiful quietness with the Lord, it does help me through out the day. I'm finding too, that when I don't have time for some quiet time with the Lord, in reality, that's really all I do have time for.
I've come across journaling ideas through pinterest and thought they might inspire you to document your beautiful quietness:
What's On Your Mind Today (printable)
Story Analysis (printable)
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