Friday, June 21, 2013

Weekend Wrap Up

A quick wrap up of our week:

-We're in the throws of getting ready for VBS at the church. We have a recently hired Children's Director who has a fun week planned for the kids and we're looking forward to sharing God's love with our community next week.

- Savannah spent a day volunteering at the church. She and a friend washed every toy in the nursery. Between that and Taekwondo she's had a full week.

- Tucker's had a brief bout with poison was caught in plenty of time so we didn't end up even having to go to the dr. Thank the Lord. Tucker remembers last year...and didn't want a shot in his backside!

- I tried this tip for fabric softening this week...and girlfriends...IT WORKS: (Click on Pic)

- Bruce and I were treated to an evening out with some friends. We enjoyed the company and for me ...the adult conversation!

- I was deeply moved...and convicted...and burdened by THIS ARTICLE this week. I can't really explain it...but maybe after reading it, you too, will have something to contemplate and later act on.

- I tried this recipe off interest and I can't even describe in words how good it is! Try it!

Source: via

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