Sunday, June 16, 2013

Ain't Gonna Lie

Some days, like this Father's Day are hard. Bruce is experiencing his first Dad's Day without his own dad. His mom and sister are mourning in their own ways and me and the kids are quietly offering hugs and love when it's appropriate. Sometimes, there are no words and the subtle presence of you is really the most comfortable thing you can offer.

I'm not gonna lie. Days like today aren't fun. It's just enough to get through. And it's in these moments that God asks for our praise. It's this "sacrifice of praise" costs us something. We have to deny ourselves, transfer our self-centeredness to God centeredness because really anything less than that isn't a sacrifice. We praise Him in spite of our feelings, our emotions, our desires, our opinions. It's the praising in the storm that Casting Crowns talks about. Way easier song to sing than to mean.

So today...on a day that's less than stellar, we choose to praise God. To remember His faithfulness to us. To glory in this temporary suffering. To honor His with our sacrifice.

Our gifts from today:

1. A God who is familiar with our pain
2. Good Memories to remind us of God's faithfulness
3. Lessons passed down from generation to generation
4. Photographs to share with our kids
5. Laughter for all the good and crazy and out of control times.

Thanks God...for these gifts and more today.

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