Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Jesus Accessories

I was thinking (OK....honestly, I was dreading) about going back to school. I love my class...I love teaching...but I love my own family, home and church ministries more...and sometimes I wish I could be 2-3 places at once. But, God gave me this great job and I will do it until He says, "Finished".

Anyway...I digress.

I was laying out all our clothes for tomorrow's first day back to school and the convicting thought struck me...I need to put on His (God's) glory. The Lord has been so good to me and in the midst of my dreading going back to school I was reminded of the large ministry He has given me with my class at school. It hit me that these clothes I was laying out merely cover up this body I'm in and that more than anything my class and their parents need to see God's glory. It prompted me to make a short list of what that might look like...it's by no means conclusive....

1. Joy on my face
2. A listening ear
3. A spirit of humility
4. A friendly countenance
5. A word of encouragement
6. My best foot forward
7. A less of me is more of Jesus attitude
8. Thankful heart
9. Appreciative spirit

What if I really concentrated on Glorifying Him...on Exuding Him...on Sharing Him....and less about my own agenda? What could happen? I'd say the possibilities are endless!

Here's to an amazing first day back to school. If your like me and are working on glorifying Him more this year, what Jesus accessories are you putting on today?

1 comment:

Carol Round said...

What a great reminder to live our lives for Jesus and by God's plan! I try to keep focused on this plan for my life through prayer journaling.