Sunday, January 8, 2012

I'm pretty sure....

Sometimes all you can do is laugh at yourself...or cry...

I'm pretty sure there's a chance that I flashed the whole choir at church today....thanks to a good friend who came to my rescue...I'm not entirely sure....and just so you know...if you're reading this and you do know if I flashed the choir or not...I don't want to know. I think it's just good for me to get it out there and admit that it might have happened and I'm pretty sure it did...and I don't want to talk about it because...the laughter might turn to crying....and I'm so so sorry.

I'm pretty sure I was fighting tears as I heard my hubby preach tonight at church. There are times he makes me very proud. Tonight was one of those times.

I know I was tearing up at the Burger King today....even though it should have been over the amount of calories I was was over one of my preschool students.

I am convinced that if Tucker doesn't stop practicing his cowboy manners (the tilt of the cowboy hat with a "howdy") I may die laughing. He's also calling me his "beloved"....I'm telling you, he is hilarious.

Clothing a nine year old girl is going to also bring me to tears! Savannah's wardrobe is 100% bigger and way cuter than mine....and yet....If I hear "I don't have anything to wear" one more time....well let's just say I may need a trip....a long extended stay trip somewhere!!!

Everyday we have choices on how we are going to handle things. Some days I laugh at the same thing that the next day will make me cry! I was reminded in our sermon this morning at church, God NEVER changes. He is the God of the present tense...I AM. His presence is with us today...and when your tomorrow becomes today. He's there. Through the ups and downs...the laughing and the crying...the joys and sorrows. Whether you flash the choir...or you're trying to reach a goal or break a bad habit or want to cry in Burger King.

Thank you Lord!

So....'fess up....ever been a time you had to choose between laughing and crying? Especially if you flashed the choir....I gotta know!!!


Ray Ray said...

I am pretty sure i flashed not only everyone standing in the lobby after church one morning but also the young boy i had a crush on when i was about 13! So ur not the only one my friend!

Jamie said...

While I have never flashed anyone I am in agreement with you. I can cry over the most ridiculous things but God knows why he made me that way and he loves me. Thanks for this post and I hope to keep reminding myself that He is always there and never changes. :)

~Jaime~ said...

I don't think you flashed the choir, but I couldn't tell because I was SOBBING while they maybe you did?? And now I'm sorry I missed it :)

Brandee Stanley said...

I can't remember ever flashing anyone, but I did fall down in front of the whole 4th grade while they were singing Happy Birthday to me!! I missed your flashing as well - I was home sick. What makes me laugh is every time Isaac says "I need my bicycle hel-e-met" (helmet) Cracks me up!