Tomorrow is a big day at the church. Bruce has been working for months on a sermon series that will hopefully impact not just our church, but our community. He's taken special time away in retreat for 3 days to prepare his heart, hear God's voice, and try to understand what exactly God wants from GBF and us (the church) in general. Sometimes it's tough knowing what God wants and yet when we get still, quiet and humbled before our God, he speaks.
I'm in serious prayer for our church. I know what's coming. The enemy ain't gonna like it!
Praying for your church to have a great day tomorrow.
Gina, I love the song "God of this City" (Chris Tomlin I think), and just want to say thanks for the prayers, and our prayers are for you all. Be strong in the Lord and in His Mighty Power!
Kathy...not to brag (ok..well maybe just a little bit..:))I have tickets to see Chris Tomlin in Fabruary. I can't wait. I am taking my 6 year old daughter with me...it will be her first real concert (because I don't think you can count The Wiggles can you?) and she is as excited as I am. It can't get here soon enough! Hope your lunch went well!
Gina,kids are absolutely hilharious at times. Sounds like you guys had a great time in there!!! (and think of the ideas you got!!!!) Hope your service went well....Our pastor spoke on Wholehearted devotion and passion. I can't see any other way that we can face the future than being wholeheartedly devoted and passionate about the Lord. Blessings!
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