Friday, April 15, 2011

Peace Retreat

Recently I heard about a place in someone's home called a Peace Retreat... a place of filling up and letting go and recharging all in one.  I thought I might try this idea of a Peace Retreat in our home. So today....after probably the worst week I've had in ages, I decided it was time to make the time to make the Peace Retreat...if for no one else...for myself!

Here's how it turned out:

A candle lit to help calm down... whether a bad day, a bad attitude or a bad choice.

A comfy chair and pillow to rest your weary body or soul or both

A basket full of Bibles, and children's books that talk to those big and small and remind us in these times when we need this peace retreat that God is near....and oh how He loves us.

A journal and pen to jot down our feelings, prayers, fears or blessings. To draw when we can't write or feel overwhelmed with our feelings.

Something for everyone

Even the littlest....
Because sometimes we all have days where we need a peace retreat....a "time out" of sorts from our world...a place where our joys and sorrows can be heard and our fear and worries can be felt and let go.

After I readied this place in our home, I took my children through each piece of the Peace Retreat. I told them sometimes when they were having a bad day or having trouble being good, they might want to spend some time in the peace retreat. If they get in trouble, I may send them to the Peace Retreat to collect their feelings, their emotions and their actions. I want them to find this a place where they can think about God and understand that He longs to meet them right where they are at that moment....and that they can experience His Peace right there.

Where's your place to retreat for peace? My challenge....make it more than a time out chair or a 5 minute break in the bathroom with the door locked. Focus for a few intentional....make a place where your family can go to intentionally meditate, study, pray, journal and read God's Word. You'll be glad you did!

1 comment:

Brent and Miriam Williams said...

What a positively awesome idea, Gina. I love it. I'm so sorry you had a rough week. I wish I could give you a big hug. Thanks for sharing. Love you!