Thursday, April 14, 2011

Thankful Thursday

Here's a brief summary of a few of the many gratitudes I have this week:

1. We just finished up another year of AWANA. My little Cubbies did an outstanding job memorizing scriptures. My own kids did great too. I had awesome workers helping in Cubbies and I couldn't have asked for a better willing to go the extra mile for the kids, snacks, puppets and game time. What a blessing they were to me. Praying they have a restful summer and forget how much work it is next fall when they are asked to sign up to work again!!!

2. A sincere heart to heart with the hubby. You know these things take time and it had been a while. So glad we had the time to talk about the important things going on in our lives.

3. Time to sit and craft last weekend. Relaxing and enjoyable.

4. Soul Surfer ---the movie. I am so thankful that I was able to take my daughter to see this. We made a night of it with another mom friend and her daughter. I'm thankful for the take-away value of this faith based and faith-filled movie. What a blessing to walk away and have something constructive to chat about. What an amazing girl!

5. Wednesday night church service. I have said it before...Wednesday night is the best service for me at church. The last two weeks have been amazing...the music, the message....just everything. Such a wonderful pick-me-up during the week.  Love it!

So...what are you thankful for this week?

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