Sunday, April 24, 2011

This do...

Communion....those words..."This do in remembrance of me." The breaking of break, the drinking of the fruit of the vine....the quiet surrender of wills and emotions in confession of sins, the joyous hymn sung when it's all been said and done. Simply put, it's beautiful.

It's one of my favorite purposes of the church....the communion shared together at the Lord's Super. There's just something about gathering with a group of people for the "soul" purpose of remembering....what Christ did on the cross, what He conquered through His death and burial and resurrection, what He's saved us from and to, what forgiveness and grace are readily ours. It's in remembering all these things and more that we come into that quiet place of communion with the Father...where we realize how much He's done. It's where we realize the beautiful simplicity of brokenness and nothingness. It's where we confess our sins and instantly feel the weight of oppression fall off our backs.

Confession....boy there was a lot of that going on from me tonight....Blurred lines between my self-worth and my pride, masks of happiness covering hurts and ultimately bad attitudes. Eyes fixed on man rather than God. Time wasted versus time spent with the Savior. felt good. Those shackles and chains fell right off at the mention of the power of Jesus blood and forgiveness of sins. Freedom embraced those emptied places.

And just like lemonade on a hot summer day, there's nothing quite like communion with your church after confession. That raw emotion that confession brings out, is softened by the grace extended in forgiveness and while the heart and soul thirst for the fulfillment communion brings, restoration from the Heavenly Father touches those hurting holes with healing and makes all things new.

Thank you Lord for a visual reminder that you've endured it all..Thank you for forgiveness, your cleansing power and for new fresh starts each day!

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