Saturday, February 5, 2011

Proverbs 5- The Importance of Purity

I was reading Proverbs 5 this morning and a couple of things jumped off the page at me:

God is concerned with our actions in marriage. One man and one woman is clearly defined in this passage of scripture. But before I start patting myself on the back let's look at this more clearly.

Is being infatuated in our minds with another man any different than adultery? Is allowing ourselves to be emotionally connected with someone other than our spouse any different than an affair? What about communicating with someone more than we do our spouse? Are we setting ourselves up for problems?

I'm reminded in this passage of how influenced men are by women....Solomon (the author) talks about the speech, path and body of a woman. He warns men against all women but a man's own wife. He also talks about the shame and loss of dignity a man has at the end of his days if he isn't faithful to his own wife.

At the end of the passage Solomon reminds us that God sees it all....verse 21 says: For your ways are in full view of the LORD, and he examines all your paths. So, we see here that however we act in will be seen by God. 

How this spoke to me:

1. As a wife, I have the responsibility to keep my own mind and heart resolved to purity in my marriage. Things that draw my focus to other men are sin. My heart, soul and body should rest in the heart of my husband so there is not one doubt in his mind that he is loved, secure and safe right here in our marriage.

2. I need to guard against any relationship that would in any way give another man any impression that a close relationship would be welcome. Since men are affected by body, path and speech, I need to guard myself in these areas. Dress appropriately, speak clearly and be visible to others (never alone with another man).

3. I need to be my husband's biggest all things. This passage says....REJOICE with the wife of your youth. can he rejoice if I am always nagging, complaining, comparing, degrading? So I need to honor him with praise, compliments, affection and love. This is a great example for my kids to see too!

All these things will help to maintain purity in my marriage. The pain of adultery, porn, emotional affairs, and divorce is a heavy burden for anyone to bear. As a wife, I need to do my part to ensure I have a solid marriage. What my husband does after between him and His omniscient God. I am responsible to that same God for my actions too.

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