Friday, January 22, 2010

Tackling the tough stuff

After Christmas, my kids room became tornado alley. Remnants of Christmas boxes and paper where everywhere and although we had straightened several times, things just weren't clean and orderly. So this morning we tackled the tough stuff. Organizing, sorting, designating certain drawers for certain things, cleaning out from underneath the beds. It didn't take all that long...and the rewards, at least for me, are endless...but start with the fact that I would not be mortified if anyone needed to use the kids bathroom and stopped to peak in their rooms.

As we were all working on this chore we talked about the benefits of keeping their rooms tidy. Savannah mentioned a few:

1. I can have friends over more often because my room won't be a mess
2. I can find my things easily
3. I can get ready faster

As she was talking my mind drifted to the benefits of keeping our lives clean...and I discovered much like cleaning there are some immediate benefits to living clean before the Lord....and of course our eternal reward is the greatest of all these.

1. I don't have to worry about being "caught" because of something I said or did
2. I have freedom to be transparent
3. I am a good example to others- my children, friends and family
4. I please the Lord
5. I develop good habits

Living in this world and maintaining cleanliness are difficult things to do. We walk in the muck and mire of a sinful world...including our own and many times at the end of the day need a spiritual bath, complete with the washing from His Word.

Just like organizing the kids rooms and tidying them, a great satisfaction took over when we were finished and saw the completed work. I know we will have to do it again...probably sooner than later but I was pleased with the way the kids worked. I was glad they helped tackle the tough stuff. I was even more glad when Savannah saw the benefits.

I kinda think God sees us the same way...Please with our work....but even more so when we understand the benefits of following His command.

1 comment:

Its So Very Cheri said...

Oh my goodness. You just missed the newest one I posted. I was about to hit enter when I saw your e-mail come through. You will crack up laughing at this one too.
