Friday, January 1, 2010


I remember Y2K. Do you? I remember because I was sick as a dog...with flu type symptoms and was snugged in bed wishing someone would just put me out of my misery.

Guess what? I have that feeling again....I could make the Nyquil commerical. So today, between sneezes, I've been reading with Savannah, helping her make some new goals for the new year, snacking way to much, watching TV and playing a little wii. I tried to clean out the pantry, but only got 1/2 way through before I was in a sweaty feverish state (TMI?).

For the last few days I have been thinking about what I want to be saying at the end of 2010. I am constantly reminded that my days are in HIS hands and that no matter the goals, resolutions or plans I make...without His guidance, His plan and His power, I am weak and will fail. So, with that in mind I have been praying about the things I've been sensing Him leading to do in my life. Bruce and I have talked about some of our family goals and even today as Savannah and I chatted about things for her to strive for, we prayed that God would help her achieve her own milestones.

Here mine are:

  1. Love Jesus More = Love Others More
  2. Read more of God's Word
  3. Be more consistant in our parenting.
  4. Take better care of these bodies God gave us.
  5. De-clutter (does this sound familiar? it's on my list every year!...I made lots of progress last year..more to come in '10.)
  6. Eat more meals together as a family
  7. Plant garden in spring
  8. Re-establish date night with spouse
  9. Write more
Praying you achieve all that God has for you in 2010!

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