Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Slowing Down

I've been enjoying the last week or so of nothing in particular to do. The house is clean, we're managing to maintain that since our major purge earlier this month, the laundry is caught up, it's hot outside, we've been to Peru, the kids have been to GA, we've had VBS and various other activities. So now, it's been a couple of weeks with nothing much planned. It's been nice to slow down.

I've had a little more than usual time to think, pray, read and clear my head over the last few days. That's what happens when you slow down. The Lord speaks louder or I listen better when I slow down. Usually when my mind and schedule are racing with the next thing I have to do, there is little or no time to really stop and think and pray and ponder and listen. HE has showed me so many wonderful things over the last few days that I am more convinced than ever to make stillness a part of each day.

Stillness isn't laziness. It's not selfishness. Those thoughts ran through my head when I first realized I had these hours of unplanned activity to fill with...nothing. I thought if I sat down for more than a few minutes with nothing to do that I would be setting a bad example for my kids. But what God showed me was the exact opposite. I actually found that the stillness brought a sense of purpose. He showed me a few things that He has purposed for our Women's ministry for this fall at church, He pricked my heart to spend some time in prayer for my enemies (yes, I know, not a popular thing to do....or even admit that you have), gave me peace about Savannah's schooling for next year, found a few new songs I love, gave me fresh ideas for my own classroom, healed a few wounds that in my busyness I didn't even realize were there, gave me a boost of energy, helped me stop running from some grief that I was backpacking and allowed me to spend some down time showing my kids that there is a time for everything....running and resting. 

So many times I struggle with scheduling too much or enough....and yet I've never thought much about the spiritual application of that. I want my kids to be OK with being busy, but after this time with the Lord over the last few days I think I want them to be more OK with being still and listening to what God's plans are for their time. He's ordered their days too...ya know?

So this still time has been anything but lazy time. Over and over I wonder why I struggle with this...and every time I slow down I am reminded that God wants to speak to me in ways I cannot even imagine. He's ready to heal, renew, bring peace and restore. All I have to do is commune with Him in the stillness.

Do you struggle with getting still? What hinders you? Maybe you've got this mastered or you have a tip for getting still....I'd love to hear about it!

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