Wednesday, July 6, 2011

The Cluttered Look

When Bruce and I were engaged we were the lucky recipients of 3 wedding showers. The amount of worldly possessions we walked away with that year surpasses the goods at your local Goodwill I pretty sure. All those possessions were then lugged from Texas and Georgia to Springfield, MO, where Bruce and I would continuing living until we finished college. We then lugged our belongings to Paris, Texas then to College Station, Texas, then to Beaumont, Texas....then just a short jaunt down the road to Winnie, Texas where we bought our first home, then on to Gunter, Texas....where we moved 2 times while we were there and then to Sulphur Springs, Texas....where if that stuff has survived all those moves, it now safely resides. After 18 years of marriage I am at the point where it's time to say goodbye to some of this stuff. the mean time we've collected two kids, all the toys, clothes, games and what-nots that come with them, a growing library of books, homeschool curriculum, craft supplies, piano books, sporting equipment and who knows what else. It seems excessive.

Now don't get me wrong....I've cleaned out, reorganized, purged..over the years, but there's always been some crazy reason that I've hung on to some never-used, don't even like it, doesn't work item...sentimental reasons? Who knows, but I've had enough and some of those items...most of them are finding another home.

As I've been taking one room at a time in the house....looking careful at items that have been tucked away I've been keeping only the things that I LOVE. The things that are pretty and functional and meaningful and helpful to accomplishing our family purpose statement. I figure if I am intentional about the things decorating and filling my home, it will help to create an environment that is less cluttered and more welcoming.

Disclaimer...After going back and reading this I feel the need to let you know that I am in NO way a hoarder.....please do not call the TLC for me to be on the latest episode!!!

During the hours of cleaning and purging over the last few days I have realized that the same decluttering needs to happen spiritually speaking. I store things up ....sometimes bad things like bitterness, bad attitudes, fear, disgruntledness, unforgiveness....and routinely I need to be decluttering and removing these things that are not useful or glorifying God. It's not a matter of whether or not I like those things....(cause to date I have not met anyone who doesn't like the occasional pity party, cry fest, temper matter what our age) but what matters is -does it bring glory to God?....and wowzers...I know those actions  (and many more) don't. So decluttering my mind and my heart and transforming it (by God's power) makes a more beautiful dwelling place for the Lord of all creation. And just like my home, makes a more inviting, hospitable place for others to come and sit a while.

What about you? What clutters your home? Your heart? Your mind? Is it time to do some decluttering? Hoarding all that useless junk will do nothing but cause pain and heartache for you...and others.

Remember Romans 12:1-2 -

1 Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this is your true and proper worship. 2 Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.

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