Monday, July 11, 2011

Multitudes on Mondays #32-46

I'm listing the recent everyday blessings that God has poured out on me. There's no way to list them all, remember them all, cherish them all ....because we cannot fathom the earthly everyday abundance we have. This is my attempt to gather and meditate on the goodness of God for a few minutes ....praying that this becomes a lifestyle of intentional thankfulness and gratitude to God and others for the blessings on my life.

#32 - A funeral where the gospel was preached

#33- A smell of lasagna and friendship wafting through the air on a hot Tuesday night

#34- Time for a drive in the country with family....dreaming

#35- A date with my son to see Mr. Popper's Penguins

#36- Prayer at the altar with a mom

#37- The privilege of prayer after the altar.

#38- A clean house

#39- Breakfast for dinner ... and peanut butter on pancakes

#40- Savannah's study of the book of Daniel

#41- Friends who picked up the tab

#42- Teachers who love kids and are faithful each Sunday to tell them about Jesus

#43- A husband who plays wii, bingo, takes out the trash and preaches God's Word....and loves me.

#44- A sister in law who takes her niece to Splash Kingdom

#45- A funny card

#46- A summer ensemble

Don't you have a multitude of blessings that need to be proclaimed? Leave a comment, write them down or tell someone today.....God loves to hear our thanksgivings!

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