Monday, May 30, 2011

Multitudes on Mondays

Continuing with my list of random everyday gifts God gives...

12. Little hands that are big enough to help around the house

13. A man of God for a life partner spouse.

14. Modern technology to keep in touch with far away family

15. A spur of the moment shopping trip with the sister in law

16. Flaws in myself that draw me closer to my creator

17. Wycliffe Bible Translators

18. The Gideons International

19. A mom friend who shares God's love with her children....those she bore and those she is entrusted with for a while. What I've learned from this incredible love is immeasurable.

20. The steadfast love of the Lord that never matter what.

21. Modern medicine that helps stomachs prepare for international travel, cures motion sickness and dries up poison ivy.

Thank you, Lord, for these blessings.

1 comment:

Deborah said...

Joining you from Mulitudes on Mondays. Thanks for sharing your sweet list. I'm especially relate to #16.