Friday, June 25, 2010

A Decision to Trust

For about 6 months God has been pricking my heart to quit my job...or at the very least to scale back. To be honest when the pricking started I resisted. I was inwardly feeling conflicted but I had a job...a great job...a regular paycheck...a good one....and in an economy when I knew so many were struggling I thought it would be foolish to give up what most people would fight for. I worked 30 hours a week from home, worked flexible hours for the most part...but I knew God was ready for me to do something else.

After listening to a couple of sermons on the importance of the family, reading some pretty amazing statistics, seeking God's face I then had a heart to heart with Bruce and then my boss. I wasn't sure exactly what God was leading me to do, but felt that I needed to at least speak up so that my boss could make an intelligent plan for the future or her PR firm. My boss was more than understanding. When I talked with Bruce he said God was already speaking to him about me cutting back. was this going to happen? It's one thing to want to quit your's another thing to do it....and afford it! I had run the numbers...and there was no way I was going to be able to cut our expenses enough. And then it happened. In the middle of us trying to figure it all out....our home in Gunter sold, we got our tax return and we received an unexpected financial gift. GOD. IS. AMAZING. We were able to pay off every penny of debt with the exception of our home and 1 car ...which will be paid off in Dec.

I am not writing all this to brag...but to tell of the goodness of the Lord. He honored a grain of desire we had to obey Him. I say GRAIN because I don't know that I had THAT much faith that HE was going to work it all out. I only know we decided that we needed to head in the direction He was calling us.

And I know this isn't going to be a cake walk. We've cut our income in half....I'll be growing a garden way into the fall, clipping coupons beginning next week, using our towels more than once and any other budget savvy thing I can do....but I've got faith that if God wanted us to take this step...he's going to provide each step of the way. After all.....that's His business!

Yesterday as I was driving to the church I heard a speaker say "It's not about's about direction", he went on to say that we are not going to achieve perfection here on earth, but we should be walking in a direction that lets the world know who we are headed towards. I love that! God honors those small mustard seeds of faith.  We just need to move in that direction.


F. Deaton said...

Amen sister! God will honor the tiniest spark of faith! Then he shows us how big he truly is!

Jinnia said...

Hi Gina, I found you through MBC. Your post blessed me immensely. What a wonderful reminder God's in full control. We need not even have that much faith and He shows Himself through a step in the direction that shows who He is. Thank you for sharing this! It must not have been easy to make that decision to quit your job, but our God will sustain you and provide everything your family needs. You have a new follower!

mangiabella said...

hi Gina! coming to you via MBC, and just became your newest follower :) I loved your post and can relate so much as He has taken us though a faith walk of our own in regards to trusting him, scaling back, etc. - what a blessing it has been, what a journey it has been, how great is His faithfulness! Would love to have you follow me at - have a blessed weekend sweet bella