Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Thoughts on Miner's Rescue

As I type this I am watching as the 19th of 33 miners is being rescued in Chili. Last night I watched as the process began. As each miner was rescued and reunited with their families, I I imagine many all over the world did. One by one miners took the 15 minute ride in the capsule that would bring them to freedom. They've endured the worst circumstances. Minimal food, limited water, terrible living conditions. They've survived.

I've listened as the reports of the rescue efforts have been detailed. The awesome endurance of those who have given the last 69 days of their lives to get these 33 men out is remarkable. What dedication!

Of course I've been thinking about the spiritual correlations this rescue effort has. What an effort Christ has made for us to know Him. His own life, sacrificed. I wonder if this life on earth is much like the miner's life underground these last two and a half months....cold, dark, wearisome, much to endure, pain, hunger. And I think about Jesus being the one who embraces us on the other side....tears streaming down my face as his warm embrace envelopes me. Words of thanksgiving and praise will drip off my tongue, or maybe the emotions of the moment will stifle my verbal skills but either way...the cry of my heart will be in utter worship of the one who rescued me.

Imagine the gratitude these workers feel toward all those who helped to rescue them. They were given hope when they realized they were REALLY going to be saved. I know for I grow in my relationship with Christ and realize more and more what He has done for me, I have greater hope. Hope that God is in control. Hope that something better is coming in eternity. With that kind of hope....we can't help but throw out a rescue line for someone trapped in a life of despair.

1 comment:

Heart2Heart said...


What an awesome miracle that living underground for 69 days in virtual darkness not knowing if they would survive or not, shows times like this God is looking out for people. Truly a miracle that they all survived and are being rescued.

Love and Hugs ~ Kat