Thursday, April 8, 2010

Juggling Show....

Ever feel like this? This picture pretty much represents the life of most of the women I know. Don't get me wrong....I don't hate my life (NOT AT ALL)...there are just some days that something gets dropped. You see, I am no expert juggler! In fact this week while I was busy being Mrs. Greenthumbs I realized just how pathetic a performance this really was! Laundry piled high, gold fish ground into the carpet, one cat that has one less thing to worry about (her tail), way too many happy meal toys, kids that are smelly, unpacked summer clothes boxes and much more. It ain't pretty (well, except for the yard...)

Sometimes you just have to let some stuff go to get some other stuff done. I've never learned how to juggle it all....some of it, yes, but on most days, something gets dropped. I'm not super mom- in fact that's not even on the radar.

What I am is...
1. A Christian striving to please and glorify God.
2. A woman on a mission to be a godly wife
3. A mom who wants to raise 2 godly kids
4. A church member who wants to do my part in the body of Christ
5. A friend who wants to be supportive, and laugh, and cry...sometimes at the same time.
6. A daughter who still thinks her mom hung the moon
7. A sister who will grow old thinking about wonderful
childhood memories with a wonderful brother,
sister and uncle and wishes regularly we all lived closer.

You see...juggler is no where on the list. How I started believing I could juggle marriage, children, church, parents, gardening, laundry, dishes, cooking, baking, balancing the check book and grocery shopping- I have no idea!

Thank you Lord for this full life - for the to do list that never gets completely done and for all the God appointments that you allow to interrupt MY schedule, for the random butterfly kisses from Tucker and the sweet conversations with Savannah to the not often enough date nights with Bruce....thank you...thank you ...thank you.

1 comment:

Kathy said...

I totally relate to the picture, first of all. I appreciate how you brought us full circle in reminding us who and whose we are. Thank you!!! : )