Sunday, July 25, 2010

When you have a few extra minutes..

This weekend I've been blessed to have a few extra minutes to stop, catch up with friends, check my email, answer my email (!), browse online and think about totally random and not so important things. It's been nice.

Sometimes I am so focused on what I need to get done in a day that I don't allow myself any downtime. My mom raised us kids with the understanding that for at least 1 hour a day we would have quiet time in our room. Quiet time....most of us moms would give up caffeine or chocolate (OK, maybe not) to have an hour of uninterrupted quiet time. I've seen a few of my FB and bloggy friends mention that they too observe the "Quiet Hour" (which might just become my own personal Happy Hour without the alcohol!), and it reminded me that I had hoped to establish that at my home this summer too.

Just think of all the things you could do during your "Quiet Hour"! Here are a few of my own ideas:

1. Read- a book, my Bible, a magazine
2. Craft- scrapbook, stamp, crochet, cross stitch
3. Listen to music....not Disney, kidsbop or Imagination Movers!
4. Blog
5. Browse
6. Call my out of state family or a friend
7. Take a shower or long bath
8. Spend some time in the garden

I'm getting HAPPY just thinking about how I am going to spend my hour each day this next week. Aren't you? How would you spend your time?


Cooking Up Faith said...

We have one hour of quiet time in the afternoon too. It is just enough time for me to get refreshed mentally for the rest of the day. I don't clean or do laundry. I just relax. I'll read blogs, watch t.v., read a book or the Bible...just relax. Then when the hour is up, I am refreshed and happy and have energy to be creative and run around with my kids. It really is healthy for everyone to have an hour to unwind and get recharged. I hope you share what you end up doing in your quiet time!!!
Big Fat Mama

Jinnia said...

That's a great habit your mom taught you! I love my quiet time, usually it's in the evening when the kids are in bed...but I'm liking this 1 hr. quiet time in the afternoon for everyone there!