Saturday, June 4, 2011

To Blog or Not to Blog

I've been trying to decide if I am going to blog while I am in Peru or if I am going to take a hiatus and flood your mind with all the stuff I see and do and experience all at once when I am back in the good ol' USA in two weeks. Truth is I have no clue what I am going to do so for now, I guess I will just wait and see what kind of connection I will have and the accessibility to Bruce's computer will play a factor. I know I could blog from my iPhone....but frankly..I'm pretty sure that's not gonna happen.

I would LOVE to have your prayer support as we leave on our trip. Here are some of the details:

1. I am going with 28 other people from my church. You can pray for the CBC group.
2. We will be in Lima, Pichanaki and San Ramon, Peru from June 6-June 16
3. We will be building houses, passing out tracks, canvassing neighborhoods, doing wordless dramas, working in the schools...and way more things that I just don't even know about.
4. We will be riding a 2 story bus for 10 hours through the Andes Mtns. Yikes!- I've got dramamine for that part of the trip!
5. We will be working with missionaries Oliver and Gloria Williams and Brent and Miriam Williams...they're the real heroes in all this.

Here are some ways you can pray:

1. For our families as we are far away.
2. For safety as we travel.
3. For unity as a group.
4. For language barriers to be broken and the love of Jesus unite us.
5. For good weather.
6. For open hearts to hear and see and do and be.
7. For Jesus to SHINE!
8. For good health.
9. For good sleep.
10. For souls to come to Jesus.

Thank you for praying. It's a way you can have a part even if you can't go on the trip. I love this verse:

I Corinthians 3:7 - So neither he who plants nor he who waters is anything, but only God who gives the growth.

Until next time...

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