Thursday, March 25, 2010

Thankful Thursday

This week (and always) I have so much to be thankful for. I've linked up today with Greg at
- join in if you want...or share something here that you are thankful for!

1. It looks like everything is right on schedule with the sale of the house in Gunter. This will be so good to have behind us. Thank you Lord!

2. Savannah and I had a great time at the homeschool field trip to the Spy Exhibit last week in Dallas. She has talked about it for's amazing what they pick up even when we think they aren't paying attention!

3. After much prayer and a nudge from the Holy Spirit...God allowed my boss and I to have a conversation about me reducing my hours. I've become increasingly burdened/convicted that I need to spend more time being mom and wife. This is a huge step of faith on many accounts and I am thankful that God allowed the conversation to go so smoothly. I'm blessed indeed.

4. Our prayer service at church on Wednesday nights continues to be one of the most rewarding times of the week for me (if you are in Sulphur Springs and  need a mid-week spiritual battery charge- join us at Central Baptist Church). Last night we learned about being wide open to receive all God has for he wants to bless us, but so many times our own stubborn will gets in the way- just like the Israelites.

5. I'm thankful for friends -near and far away- who I enjoy....whether laughing, crying, goofing off, talking, praying or just catching up...they are too numerous to count (thankfully) - but I am thankful for their presence in my life----and you too, my bloggy friends.

Hope you have a very Thankful Thursday!


Jane In The Jungle said...

Great list Gina....where would we be without friends along the way!


Greg C said...

Thanks for joining us this week
Gina. I am thankful for blog friends too.

Kathy said...

Neat post, Gina. For you, we all are thankful. Love how God is blessing you, and showing you His faithfulness.