Monday, March 29, 2010


It's funny. I've been waiting for today like a child waits for Christmas. Anticipating, hoping, wondering. But it feels more like that gentle letdown you feel after you've opened that last present. You're appreciative, but you don't want the feeling of excitement to end.

Today we go to closing on our house in Gunter. I can't believe it's been for sale for almost 11 months. I remember the day I put the store bought for sale by owner sign in the yard, the day we hired our realtor, the day we lowered the price, the day we had our first offer, the day we lost our first offer, the day we accepted a rental contract on it, the day we renewed our contract with our realtor and the day that this last offer came in...and we finally had a go to closing contract! There's been anticipation, hope and a whole lot of wondering...just like Christmas.

But in the midst of each step of the way, there's also been an incredible peace. Sure, I am glad to get this behind me - but God has taught me so much about HIM during this process that I am dreading the beautiful letdown of this phase of my life being over. I don't ever want to forget these lessons, the indescribable peace and wisdom He's given. I don't want to forget that HIS timing is everything. I don't want to forget that HIS provisions are planned perfectly according to our needs.

Most of all I don't want to forget how this journey all got started. Obedience....and I'm not saying this in pride....I am saying it as my EBENEZER rock (rock of remembrance). I am thankful that Bruce was obedient to lead our family to a place of human uncertainties and that He trusted God in a big way. I am thankful for our time living in a hotel, an RV and for the purchase of our new home 6 months before this one sold (with this economy....who does that???? ---GOD does)

So maybe you can understand...with all this GOD stuff happening around me the last 10 months, why I am just a little hesitant about putting this part of life behind me. BUT, I am reminded He has new steps of obedience for me to take. New mercies for me to experience each morning. New faith to develop. I'm looking forward to it! And for now...I have my Ebenezer Rock to remind me of this journey.


Cara@HomespunKitchen said...

Great post, Gina! I completely understand, we had built a home, but our first home sat empty for 8 months while we were in the new house. We also learned a LOT about the whole process (umm, don't build until your first home is sold:), but like you said, it was such a growing experience for us too.


Kathy said...

Gina, I knew there was a ton that the Lord has taught you through all of this. I totally understand the hesitancy in passing through this season, but you carry with you a greater understanding of who He is, how He has been very present with you all through all of this.

We are possibly entering into a similar stage. We're meeting with a realtor today about our home. (So, yes, this also was part of my thought process in a recent post.) I hope I travel through as well as you have.

Blessings and Congratulations!