12 years ago when I posted my first blog post, I never thought about writing a book, a devotional or anything else. I just thought about documenting my kids and all the funny things they did when they were little.
Fast forward a couple of years ago and someone said something I wrote would be a good submission for a book with a similar theme. I had no idea what she was talking about. But more and more as I posted on my blog and then facebook, people were telling me I needed to write a book. And I just thanked them for their kindness and went my merry way. It was flattering and encouraging but mostly I was just writing about everyday life with eternity sprinkled in here and there. I had no idea what I was doing, but slowly God was preparing my heart to do something more.
So now...2019 and God has prompted, pushed and pursued me to begin the process of writing to publish. I have a writing coach. I am attending online conferences, learning from other experts and doing what I can on my end of this journey to hone in on the writing craft.
Today I began sorting through over 1,000 blog posts I have written over the years. Trying to categorize them to topical themes. I got nearly 100 done, so my work will continue throughout the next few days. As I sorted through the oldest posts today, I had the blessing of seeing how far God has brought Bruce and me, how much our kids have grown, some of their funny stories and how much favor God has poured out on our lives. He truly writes the best stories. What was meant to be a chore, was a beautiful offering of praise to the Lord.
So thankful for where He has brought me from and where He has me headed!
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