Sunday, October 26, 2008


As a mom we all have those moments that we take a step back and watch our kids shine. Sometimes these moments are few and far between! I've had a few lately. Savannah led the TeamKIDs in the motto and motions last week at church. If you know her at all then you know she doesn't usually step out in front of a crowd. I was so proud of her! Tucker is coming home from church on a regular basis and telling us what he is learning in his class. It is so incredibly exciting to see them learning about this amazing God we serve. I don't take for granted that this is just going to happen by chance. I realize that intentionally placing them in places they will learn about God and teaching about Him in our home, is vital to their spiritual awareness and health.

I had the opportunity to sharing Christ with a young mom at church today and she accepted Him as her Saviour. This is one of the moments in life that I will hold very close. She was so honest, vulnerable and transparent. I am so glad she got her eternal destiny nailed down today and so humbled that God allowed me to be a part of her eternal story.

Bruce had a moment recently (which he shared in I won't rehash it all here), but I will say that I am so proud of him for taking a stand and being honest and vulnerable. I think sometimes pastors often act like they have the answers to all of life's questions. He admits that he's on a journey and that a bunch of life he hasn't got the answers to. I was touched by the sweet and kind comments made towards him after today's service.

These moments pass by so quickly.

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