Tuesday, March 26, 2019

You're Invited

Sometimes God calls us to do things we feel unqualified to do. In fact, in my life, that seems to be the norm. I’ve never felt exceptionally qualified to do much of what He leads me to, and honestly, that has probably been a good thing. Pride can rear its ugly head when we begin thinking we can handle everything on our own.
For quite a long time I have felt God preparing the way for me to share the stories He has written on my heart. The stories of how He’s reclaimed the broken pieces and helped me reclaim the things the enemy meant for harm. So this is the official beginning of just laying it all out there. It’s my step of obedience toward Him, and whatever, however, He blesses is in His hands. 
Some of you have been reading my blog and other devotional writings for over 10 years. I can’t even begin to thank you for your loyalty and for your encouragement. Writing has been an outlet for me to write about all the things in life that are important to me…family, ministry, missions and hobbies. I’ve blogged about them all and more! As I transition to this author Facebook page, I ask that you continue to follow and comment and share as much as you feel led. It is enormously uncomfortable for me to ask you to help promote me….so that’s not what I am asking for…I am asking that you promote the message of Jesus Christ. If something I write speaks to you or you know someone who could benefit from hearing it, please share the message. That’s how lives are reclaimed. 
I’ve been working with a writing coach the past few months. We have plans in the works for all sorts of things, including some book ideas, which of course, falls somewhere between exciting and mortifying for me…but again, I am walking in obedience to whatever the Lord wants. 
So, real quick….like and follow this page if you want to keep in touch. Share the page with others who might be interested and come back often for encouragement and to say hello! Thanks for joining me!

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