Friday, March 29, 2013


Most of us don't equate pain as good..
Or torture as good...
Or suffering as good...
Or hatred as good...
Or betrayal as good...
Or beating as good...
Or death as good.

These things are unpleasant. They cause us heartache, tears, sorrow and all for good reason. And as I think of these things that Jesus endured...not to mention my own personal sin that alone set Him to die this horrific death I can't help but think as a Christian, I'm quick to skip right past the death of Christ and right to the resurrection....because to think on that death is uncomfortable.

Passion Week is a time to reflect on the beautiful life, terrible death and glorious resurrection. It's a time to rejoice that we have a God who keeps His promises. But, just for today....for this Friday....could we take a moment to think about our own responsibility in sending HIM to the cross? Could we think about the spear in His side for us? the crown of thorns slammed down into skull? the blood streaming down His body? the agony? pain? betrayal? and torture?

Yes, it's uncomfortable. It should bring us tears and sorrow and heartache. And well, to be honest, that's not the kind of thing most of us (me) like to spend time dwelling on for too long. It's my belief that maybe, if we just took a little more time to think on our part and the actual act of Jesus taking our sin upon Himself in this most self-less act of love, that we might learn to live more abundantly, forgive more freely, bless others more readily, share His story more often, give thanks more regularly, sin less and maybe take hold of what Easter is really all about...

Because we do have hope

Hope that He's coming again..Hope in a new heaven and earth...Hope in the promise of kingdom worship, Hope in His glorious appearing.....

All because....Sunday's comin'.

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